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All About Academy

By Writer's Toolbox
Published 25 March, 2024

We’re thrilled to bring you Academy: your exclusive online hub bursting with inspiration, professional development, and even greater Writer’s Toolbox support. 


Here we explain all the ins and outs, so you can get the most out of your new go-to Writer’s Toolbox support and training hub.




Where do I find Academy?

From your Writer’s Toolbox Teacher Dashboard, click the new Academy section on the top left-hand side. 


What's on the Academy homepage?

Here you can see all available content, sorted into three sections. 


Bite-Sized Learning

These are snack-sized videos exploring ideas and insights you can implement in your teaching straight away.  


Driving Toolbox

Here you can access all support videos, showing you how to better use Writer’s Toolbox in your classroom.


Toolbox Masterclass

Toolbox Masterclass is the ultimate resource in learning how to teach writing.  Step through the modules—at your own pace and time—then test your learning.  This is a premium paid area, so you’ll need to sign up for access.  If you’d like to know more, email us at



I’ve watched all the videos, when can I watch more?

We love an eager learner!  We have a long list of content in the works and will be dropping new videos throughout the year.  When there’s something new to see, we’ll let you know through your Writer’s Toolbox notifications.  Find them by clicking on the bell in the top right corner in Writer’s Toolbox.


Is Academy only available to schools with Writer’s Toolbox?

Yes.  Academy is exclusively available for Writer’s Toolbox customers.  Customers access Academy through the Writer’s Toolbox online tool.  While every Writer’s Toolbox licence holder can access Bite-Sized Learning and Driving Toolbox sections, Toolbox Masterclass is a paid section of Academy which you can opt into on top of your Writer’s Toolbox package. 


My school only has Writer’s Toolbox for some teachers.  Can the teachers who don’t use Writer’s Toolbox access Academy? 

Each Academy user needs to have their own Writer’s Toolbox licence in order to log in to Academy.  As professional development and progress is achieved individually, the teacher using Academy will need to have their own licence and login.



Toolbox Masterclass FAQs  


How can I opt in to Toolbox Masterclass?

Easy! Contact us at and we’ll be happy to help.


Can two smaller schools combine to meet the minimum requirements of ten Toolbox Masterclass seats?

Combining or pooling licences across schools is not currently possible.  You can still sign up for Toolbox Masterclass, but the minimum of ten seats will apply.  

We want to enable schools of any size to access Writer's Toolbox PD, so if you’re a small school, get in touch with your Writer's Toolbox School Success Manager or  Let’s see how we can help.


Do you have Toolbox Masterclass packages available for very large schools?  What happens if I want to buy more than 69 seats?

Absolutely!  We have discounted pricing options for larger schools.  If you want to purchase more than 69 seats, get in touch at


What is a Toolbox Masterclass seat?

A seat is the name for one teacher’s access to Toolbox Masterclass.  Schools decide how many teachers they want to have access to Toolbox Masterclass and then purchase one seat per teacher.  


What are the two levels in Toolbox Masterclass?

The Hunter Writing System, on which the Writer's Toolbox pedagogy is based, is delivered across two levels, scoped and sequenced to develop your knowledge of writing.  You must pass each module to complete the Level, and you must complete Level 1 before starting Level 2.  Initially, when you buy a seat for Toolbox Masterclass, you will have access to Level 1.  Once you’ve completed Level 1, your school will need to purchase another seat to give you access to Level 2. 


What happens if I haven't completed an Toolbox Masterclass Level before the end of the academic year?  Will my Toolbox Masterclass seat carry over to the following year?

Similar to the online tool licence and access, your Academy Toolbox Masterclass seat expires at the end of the academic year; it doesn’t carry over to the next year.  To complete an unfinished Level, your school will need to reactivate your seat by purchasing another year of Toolbox Masterclass. 


What happens if I complete Toolbox Masterclass Level 1 and am ready to start Level 2 in the same academic year?

Look at you go!  To start Level 2, ask your school to purchase a Level 2 seat by emailing us at


If I complete Toolbox Masterclass Level 1 and gain access to Level 2, can I still watch the Level 1 modules?

You absolutely can.  You can access all the modules you’ve already worked through, as long as you have an active Toolbox Masterclass seat.



Do you have any questions you'd like us to answer?  Email us at  We’ll keep updating this blog post with more FAQs and tips, so keep your eyes peeled.

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