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For All Subject Teachers

Supporting Teachers to Teach Great Writing

Having previously worked with Writer’s Toolbox, Molly Fletcher knew it was the first thing she wanted to implement when she became Deputy Principal at Whenuapai Primary.  


As well as seeing the students engage with the tools and understand how to advance their writing, it was the support and successes Writer’s Toolbox gave teachers that made Fletcher excited about implementing the programme at Whenuapai.  She tells us, "Writer’s Toolbox gives teachers the tools in their kete to teach great writing."


The structured approach, plus the backend data and reporting tools, means that teachers can walk into any classroom at any year level and know what they need to do.  This common language and tangible way of teaching also motivates students with an instant sense of satisfaction and success, knowing when they've achieved a level or written a knockout sentence.

“Writer’s Toolbox is a quick, easy way to motivate students and make them really proud.”