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Suitable for English Department

Providing the Structure for Writing Success

English and CoL Written Language Support teacher Joss Matthews recognised her students weren’t delivering the depth of writing needed to succeed in NCEA Level 1.  After experiencing Writer’s Toolbox—how the strategies are understood and quickly picked up by students—she brought the programme into Whakatāne High School.  


Writer’s Toolbox worked alongside the school to deliver the programme.  With its easy-to-follow structure and built-in immediate feedback, students now focus their ideas and have the tools to communicate in a concise and purposeful way.  


The learning gained from Writer’s Toolbox has led to an 80% achievement rate in NCEA portfolio writing at Whakatāne High School.  Matthews has also seen a change in the teachers.  "Teachers are really engaged; they believe in the Writer’s Toolbox system and its philosophy of learning.  Their confidence grows every day."

"It's an amazing tool that has changed the lives of students.  It’s empowered students to make decisions about their learning that has given them success."