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Suitable for English Department

Staying Ahead of the Curve with Writer’s Toolbox

Keeping his teaching practice ahead of the curve is an important goal for Ōtūmoetai College Head of Social Science Nick Page.  So he was excited to sink his teeth into the detailed student writing performance metrics provided by Writer’s Toolbox Educational AI.  Page talks to us about student achievement and the delivery of writing instruction at Ōtūmoetai College before and after Writer’s Toolbox.

As a ‘statistics guy’, Page has made the most of the detailed metrics available in Writer’s Toolbox.  Previously, he only had NCEA results to assess student writing.  Now set up with Writer’s Toolbox feedback functions, Page sees how individual students and cohorts at Ōtūmoetai College are faring with the mechanisms of writing, such as Expansion, Precision, and fluency.

Page is thrilled Ōtūmoetai College students can now see the connection and purpose behind these mechanical functions.  Writer’s Toolbox has given Ōtūmoetai College students confidence that they can be good writers, made them more autonomous, and given them agency as writers.

What’s his favourite thing about Writer’s Toolbox? The statistics! It’s giving students and staff the feedback they need to progress.