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For All Subject Teachers

Stronger Writing—with the Results to Prove It

HELP International School in Malaysia teaches over 1,400 students from preschool to A levels.  As a leading international school, HELP is proudly committed to research-led teaching practices, integrating the best educational systems from around the world.  And as Head of Primary Shane Campbell puts it, “Writer’s Toolbox is fundamental to how we teach writing.”


Since implementing Writer’s Toolbox in 2021, there has been significant improvement in writing strength across the school.  In fact, there has been a significant increase in 2023 alone: in January 2023, HELP International School saw 40% added value in writing strength using Writer’s Toolbox, increasing to 62% in October 2023.


Student impact is palpable.  Campbell notes, “Students are taking ownership of the feedback tool, setting their own learning goals, and monitoring their writing scores.  It’s instilled motivation; they’re curious about their writing.” 


Campbell and teachers at HELP credit Writer’s Toolbox Educational AI with their student writing transformation.  Read the full case study to find out how HELP International School has used Writer’s Toolbox Educational AI to move from teaching English to teaching great writing.


Read the full case study


Watch the video to hear Founder Dr Ian Hunter tell the Writer's Toolbox story

"The whole school is committed to Writer's Toolbox.  Positive results in student engagement, confidence, and writing levels fuel the fire for continuous improvement."