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Welcome to SubjectLand

A world of engaging student writing tasks crafted by teachers, for teachers. We can already sense your relief.

Writing tasks?  We’ve got you covered.

Setting motivating activities for your classroom just got easier with our tailor-made bank of over 500—and growing—student writing tasks. All accessible with a simple click.

Exceptional writing tasks. Tailored to your students.

Custom created with every student in mind, SubjectLand has you covered with hundreds of writing tasks catering to all year levels, writing skills, and abilities. 


All tasks are ready to use as they are.  Or add your own flair by editing the task before assigning.  The choice is yours. 

Learning Journey. Levelled up.

Designed to test core student writing skills and progress, SubjectLand integrates seamlessly with Learning Journey to save you time in the classroom.  


Once a student has completed a Learning Journey module, simply assign a task to test the relevant writing skill, taking the guesswork out of measuring student progress.

SubjectLand is available to all teachers using Writer’s Toolbox

Interested in getting Writer’s Toolbox at your school? Fill out the form below to chat with one of our team.